Unseen Footprints

10:24 PM

Emulsions, Freezing Point Depression, Bomb cal, Critical Micelle Concentration... whew! BLOG BREAK! I'm actually in the midst of studying for my Physical Chemistry exam on Monday when I remembered to write my blog entry for today (I almost forgot haha). I'm giving myself a blog break so that I could have energy when I go back studying for my exam. 

I'm so excited to write my next entries especially those that I have been waiting to finish, edit and post! I was so encouraged with the great responses people gave for my past entries. I'm so glad they were blessed, which is really the reason why I started this blog. My heart is sooo big already because I'm overjoyed (hahahaha kulit). Anyway, just wanted to share this verse I read during my quiet time the other day:

    Your path led through the sea, 
     your way through the mighty waters, 
      though your footprints were not seen.
                                                                         - Psalm 77:19 (emphasis mine)

Image from: www.supercoloring.com

Even though sometimes you feel like you can't see or know if God is working in your situation, keep in mind that He is because He cares for you. You don't have to see His "footprints" to be certain - you just have to believe and trust. God will rescue you from whatever situation you are in. He's not like a superhero who's always just on time but He is God so He is always on time and always with you

Be filled with the love of God! 😊

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