Korea Travelogue Day 5: Gangnam, COEX Mall & Myeongdong

3:56 PM

Today's post is the last and final installment of my Korea Travelogue! I hope you enjoyed this series and that you'll find it useful in the future when we can enjoy travelling once again! But for now, scroll down to see what we did on our last day in Seoul! 😊



We were supposed to go to the Bongeunsa Temple but apparently it was closed during this day so we just decided to head straight to COEX Mall after our quick visit to Gangnam. Since I've been watching Kdramas and after hearing Psy's song (haha), I really wanted to see Gangnam for myself. Besides, I was really planning on going here since I organized our trip because I wanted to get my hands on TTMIK books which you can buy in Kyobo Bookstores. They had one in Gangnam so it was decided haha!

I didn't have a lot of pictures taken but the Kyobo Bookstore is located at the basement of this reddish brown building haha. It was confusing because it's actually an office building, which is why I hesitated entering at first, and it doesn't look a bookstore would be located inside. But apparently, there is haha. We had to ride the elevator to the basement and it was really cool to see that there really is an actual bookstore below! 

We also visited some of the stores here in Gangnam like this huge Kakao Friends shop!! 😍

We decided to eat at McDonald's first as soon as we arrived at the COEX Mall and since we were already hungry from all the walking we did in Gangnam. I also visited the Watsons branch here and I really enjoyed it because they had a lot of new and local brands too!

Sneak peek of some of the things I bought during this travel! I'll be doing a separate post for this too! 

We couldn't pass up on eating cheescake at Junior's! So when we saw that they had a branch here, we decided to stay for a bit before we continue with all the walking.

These are the selections during our visit! Love their cheesecake and it's really one of the best ones I've ever eaten! 💖



And again for the nnnnth time! Since we wanted to eat street food again and have last minute shopping before our flight the next day, we decided to head to our default choice haha! Myeongdong was our place to be! 😋

Here are some snaps of the street foods there! 

Just looking at these foods makes me want to visit Korea again just to eat haha!

Myeongdong at night. We also bought more strawberries!! 🍓🍓🍓

Before leaving, we also had dinner at this Japanese place. I actually forgot the name but it's located near the Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory Myeongdong branch we usually visited.

These are some of the strawberries we bought. 😍This is one of the reasons why I miss Korea hahaha!



Sharing some of the OOTD pictures we took as soon as we arrived at our hotel hehe. We loved taking OOTD pictures at night even though we're usually tired from all the walking! 😊

I really enjoyed dressing up during this trip because the weather was really cold compared to our usual weather here in Manila (which just makes you want to wear the thinnest clothes that you own hahaha).

Putting all the details below although I'm not sure if some of these are still available.

Coat: ZARA | Top: Lalu (Singapore) | Tights: H&M | Skirt: Terranova 
| Shoes: Payless | Bag: ZARA

That's everything for the Day 5 of our Korea Travelogue! Hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did - recalling everything that happened during this trip. Will be posting the last part of this travelogue which is my OOTD for my last day in Seoul!

Planning on resting a bit first before I post my next Travelogue which is on one of our trips to Dubai

For now, stay tuned for most posts here on my blog and thanks again for visiting!! 💜

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