Japan Travelogue: Tokyo Day 5 (Odaiba, Outlet Malls, Gundam Cafe & Gundam Statue)

10:25 AM

We spent our last full day in Tokyo in Odaiba! It is actually an artificial, man-made island located in Tokyo Bay. So cool! Reminds me of Palm Jumeirah in Dubai. This place is also known as a shopping and entertainment district in Tokyo. To get here we rode the train from our place in Taito which took about an hour.

This place is quite big but still very serene and peaceful. There are a lot of tourists who usually visit here as well but it isn't as crowded compared to other districts in the city. There are a number of malls to visit and hotels to stay in in this place too. We went to the Diver City Mall, Aqua City Mall and Venus Fort. The driverless train, which we rode on our way home, is actually here in Odaiba. The large Gundam statue can also be found here along with a Gundam themed cafe near it. The Rainbow bridge, Odaiba Statue of Liberty and the huge rainbow Ferris Wheel are also some of the other famous attractions in this district. There are a lot of things you can do and buy here but I've also seen a lot of people who were just walking around or sitting on the benches while enjoying the view and stillness of this place.

I bought this ice cream from the vending machine at the platform before leaving the train station. This Glico Mint ice cream is yummy!!

The view as soon as you get out of the train station.

The back side of the Fuji TV building.

The Diver City mall and the huge Gundam statue in front of it.

Gacha machines are everywhere in Odaiba!

Guess who went crazy for the gachapons! See that pouch I'm holding in the picture below that's full of coins?? Haha! The gachas are usually priced between 100-300 yen. The priciest I've seen and tried was 300 yen which is around P120.

We also went to this store (I forgot what it's called) inside Diver City, which has a lot of cute items with Disney and Anime characters.

Gudetama is everywhere in Tokyo! So cute and fluffy hehe.

The main reason why we went to Odaiba in the first place is this huge Gundam statue! There were a lot of people taking their pictures with it.

We went to the Gundam cafe too!

There were a couple of Gundam gacha machines outside the coffee shop and I picked up a gacha for one of my friends.

Cool Gundam-themed coffees.

Walking from Diver City Mall to Venus Fort.

The massive Ferris Wheel beside the Venus Fort.

We also went to the Toyota Mega Web to see the latest cars and technologies in the Toyota showroom.

Venus Fort is also an outlet mall in Odaiba and it reminds me so much of The Venetian Macao. The shops here are much more expensive compared to Diver City.

OOTD inside the restroom haha!

The Gundam statue at night.

The Odaiba Statue of Liberty.

The Aqua City Mall.

The famous Rainbow Bridge in Odaiba. Such a serene view! So sad because this was our last night in Tokyo huhu.

The next day, we checked out of our hotel and went to the airport for our flight back to Manila. Sad times. 😭 Anyway, I saw this Haagen-Daaz ice cream vending machine at our boarding gate! This is one of the best vending machines I've seen in Tokyo haha!

Waiting to board our plane back to Manila. We enjoyed our time in Tokyo so much and I really felt the #sepanx during this time and it was so sad to be leaving Japan. I only wished we could've stayed much longer but there's always a next time, you know, hehe. We can't wait to go back to explore this beautiful city again! Thank you Tokyo and see you soon!!

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